self harm/ anerexia/ bullemic

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Firbmthaawcmtmiw (01), Aug 19, 2011.

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  1. I already had one person ask.

    I am more than willing to listen to anyone that needs to talk. Either wall me, or follow me. 
  2. Sorry cursed_soul. Gotta say it one say or another right? Feel as people listen to me better on here then in real life. Whatever lock it up and have our feeling sink into us as if we are dying inside.
  3.  My dad never actually loved me. He only spoiled me. And my mom has too much stress going on...
  4. It's during the day everything feels fine...and then night comes and suddenly I'm right back to where I started
  5. Same I will talk to anyone.
  6. Wow this started as a fail thread and now it's helping people  i'm glad i could help
  7. OP can wall me and i'll re-open if they feel real strongly.

    It is my personal view that any player who wants to provide guidance and support is a model player. However conversations that may give already fragile people examples or suggestions that would result in physical or emotional harm should be discouraged.
  8. Did I mention I tried to run away? But then got caught by police and luckily it was my "bestie's" dad? Lucky he didnt say anything and I lied I was just shopping.
  9. So you gonna close this and not care about or feelings, only yours?

    Sound familiar.
  10. Why is it different?
  11. This thread has been re-opened at user requests.

    I specifically warned you ALL. Your collective comments could be used by someone to justify a horrible judgment call.

    Someone who never thought about something could suddenly consider it an option. A group thread on issues such as this will only drive ppl deeper into depression. It will become their "thing". The differentiable factor that makes them supposedly unique.

    The community is responsible for policing itself. Your on your own.
  12. Yaaaaay  its open but guys we have to make sure this thread isn't closed again
  13. 
     Love yourself 
  14. Cursed, I respectfully disagree with you.

    If someone was to hurt themself, the idea was already there before this thread. No one just suddenly decides to hurt themself spur of the moment. It's an idea long implanted after a long time of depression, feeling alone, and wanting to finally control something in their life.

    This thread is a theraputic way for people to express themselves with the security of being unknown in real life. It's similar to group therapy, except you aren't sitting in a room with the people. Yet people will still get the benefit of seeing that they are in fact not alone in the way they feel.

    No one is alone in the way they feel, but people commonly think they are because it's still taboo to talk about mental illness, which is what depression is.

    You are not alone. You are not "weird" for feeling this way. Depression is very very common.
  15. Well said Michelle, I agree 
  16. Sorry Michelle but I have to disagree. I never would have considered cutting unless I'd heard of friends that had done it. I started because it seemed to work for other people
  17. But the idea is inside you, and it got pushed along because you heard it worked. As I said, cutting is typically used to finally control something in your life. Everything spirals out of control, and you feel so much emotional pain. You get the want to almost counter-act it by turning it into physical pain.

    I do not condone cutting in the least, and I do not suggest anyone try it. If uou are thinking of cutting, or have cut, keep a tight rubber band on your wrist. When you get the impulse, snap the rubber band. That is how I stopped cutting.
  18. Well it depends on the person I guess, I personally don't have the guts to cut myself even if everyone says it helps them. But yeah I know how you all feel being ignored by your families and stuff. For example today is my birthday guess what my dad gave me? A pat in the back.. And he just remembered half the day is done and he just remembered it's like I get more love here and on Facebook rather than with my own family..
  19. This post is me as a player and not as a moderator.

    There's a mob mentality. People can be depressed without thinking of cutting at all. The whole topic was meant to be about multiple things and all ppl do is about the "self harm" and how they hate their parents.

    You know what?

    It's a big world out there. You can be depressed while moving forward and just like how the media DOESN'T publish articles about suicides, I'm strongly opposed to having threads about it.

    When you read about something. It becomes a viable option. That's not helpful to anyone.

    You can talk about your problems. You can vent about your fustrations. You can explain WHY you feel alone. But you should also remember that your expressing yourself to someone who could be WORSE OFF. That they will read it and maybe even react negatively.

    Positive messaging is very powerful. Constant reinforcing msgs of support and self worth are probably better then this. Shouldn't ever focus on negative aspects but talk about things that you liked, anything. Focus on the good and work off of that. Someone held the door for you. Someone said good morning. anything. talk about how happy that made you.

    That's true theraputic behavior. Your statement about Group sessions: in a group session there is control. There is always an experienced expert available to act as the "Ground" and to direct the conversations.

    There is nothing like that here.
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