I don't know if I have a favorite, but I will say I noticed a lot of male avis wear suits. It's fancy I guess, but it limits the different styles you can have, and gets redundant. I do like the current hunt's avis (the black magic hunt) alot. The avi has more character because his style is unique. Same with this month's spinner avis. I also like how your avis have a range of skin tone and body shape. Keep up the good work!
Re: Seeking: Feedback on Masculine Avatars. 1. Corgeous Paramedic. 2. I love this avatar a lot because my job in real life is a paramedic, and the skin reflect it. I think avatars that reflects jobs are the best.
I really like the “holiday boyfriend” av. He’s stylish, but not in an overtly dramatic way. I also really like the design of his facial hair. I’d share a hot cocoa with him any time
The American avis and gold rose avi are by far my favorite because i believe they are well put together and yet the look like real life characters and fit people personalities. American avis are yet party people but yet stylish and who actually look like they go to college. Gold rose avi is classy stylish and doesn’t mind a few glasses of champagne but can still get business done.
My favorite masculine avatar is the cat guy in the booster boxes. He’s my favorite because I haven’t seen any other avatars that have common bodies, as the avatar embraces his flaws
1. My favorite is the “Formidable Figherfighter (VIP)” from the Patriotic Party Bag (M) 2. This is my favorite avatar because of a few reasons. I really appreciate the darker skinned avatars. Sometimes it’s hard to find avatars that look like you, so i appreate it when i see that. Also, the avatar is completely SMOKIN’!!!! The abs , the hair , the fact that he’s a firefighter (so hot) LOL. I love the shirtless , muscle-y avatars.
1. My favorite was the bald headed guy from a while ago 2. I like dark and different and he was evil looking and all and i just enjoyed the look , the detail in his face and tattoos , i dont like the plane jame look at me and bla bla with no art i really enjoy the ones that look more like people u might see ( to me he looks like a crazy jail bird ) but not someone whos just a party jock with a perfect body and all
Definitely Winds of Punk. I can't stress enough how much I'm in love with this avatar. As a punk myself I've always found bad portrayals of the style, confusing anarchy with gothica and what not. I find him to be the most relatable, just on with his boots and jacket, ready to find the line between chaos and order.
1. i like the avas from the biblio hunt below 2. they are chill and relax and they got fashionable clothes without wearing too little, too much or too weird. they also sports masculinity than the latest one. hope it helps
I think that the abs and physical aspect of the Barbarian will make ppl drool, especially if combined with the coloring of the Partier of the year.. Either Blonde or Black hair with bright blue eyes.. Muscular is great look in male avies but not over to over the top that is unrealistic.
1: Cool conscious (I think that's it) 2: the pose highlights certain things on him but what it highlights are all pros, the way he's dressed seems realistic as well as his hair
The new "masculine" avis are at very extreme ends of the spectrum...either long girlish hair and feminine features and dress code or top off abs out and tought looking...ive been a long term player over many accounts and sincerely believe regular well dressed avis such as the old bacon guy or the Mr cy-bot avi (my longtime favourite) should be brought back to the game for sure
1 I like the Bonfire Blues 2 Why? Cause it shows the traditional/cultural way of how the old people are back the old days. It was well put together, it shows and matches the concept perfectly. It was a good idea to put on green hair that is tied up, a white shirt and the brown pants.It was the best masculine avatar for me.
i like almost all the muscular avis. Most of them are different and unique but there are a few things are extremely similar to older ones. Same with the female avis.
Omg? I forgot to add the American Retro as well to my first reply...but yeah that's another one as well
1.Uptown Bomber (But with a different name and clothing maybe black with a color accent) 2.Because its a little more on edge than the rest. Possibly add stat items (Combined or Percentages) that go with the Avis'. Boxes that could be won using the avi etc.