1. I really like the barbarian male. 2. when it comes to my concept of ‘masculine’ I feel he kind of fits that old school rough concept. I like the older interpretation models (ie 1700s, 15th Century) because I think you’ve done a better job dressing them as the stereotypical ‘masculine’ male. But everyone’s interpretation is different and I love all my avatars I have (even if some of them I don’t use)!
Got two favorites, CEO of Suave, and the other is the Tanned Tree Planter. One being nice and dapper and the other quite umm... Well, zeh bodeeehhhHHHHH. Why? It's got something to do with the body language and composition. Showing muscle contours like in the second one (tree planter, even if you don't show as much as that avatar did) definitely gives "masculine" vibes, but the other still has those same vibes even without all the abs. Body language and nice contours/composition brings the man in mansculine. OK I'm lame ssh, but yeah that's my own opinion plus the right color schemes and clothes design, of course. That, and the semi-fierce look on their faces. Like it's fierce, but there's just the tiniest hint of upturned lips XD
Mine Is The 60 Hooks AVA from last year's hunts, reason why is because he looks fearless, and doesn't have bad graphics, same with the hipster dude right after the hunt
1. The Night of Romance from this last Valentine's hunt 2. He has a differsnt stance than the other male avis and there's detail in his tattoos he looks sexy and manly especially with the bowtie thrown over his shoulder alot of the male avis look good and others don't look good like this hunts avi in the box (In my opinion) it all depends on peoples taste tho so idk
My favorite masculine avatar has definitely gotta be this one... I mean wow, just look how he handles those breadsticks. Breathtaking (Just kidding, I won’t do ATA dirty like that. It was a moment of weakness.) Anyways, a recent favorite of mine is probably... Now I may be a little biased because it’s an Asian avatar (which we need more of ?) but a few more quick reasons why I like it is because: I’m usually not a fan of colored hair on guys, but this avi seems to make it work. The avi description is s’cute and s’true. The design on the suit is to die for. I love how you guys put flowers on it instead of leaving it plain. Detail is everything! The light color scheme is very easy on the eyes, not to mention the face is too huehue It just has this aura of confidence and charisma. Lastly, who doesn’t like a man who can totally rock being pretty in pink? ______________________________________ Some other honorable mentions include: Duckling Magnet (VIP) cause those overalls really make me moist jkjk Poolside Playboy (VIP) cause that little of stubble is hella cute. Fraternity President.It’s such an OG qt avatar that I had to put it on this list. Chick Magnet (VIP.)What’s better than a cute avi? A cute avi holding a cute animal. And since I gotta be a bandwagon-er, one of the coolest male avi’s is that Casanova one with his fingers to his cheek. Like swoon asf.
? I think these two are my favourite avis atm. Especially the one to the left. I love the art style used and the sleek clothing style. The fact that it seems like effort was put into it - the details like the piercing eyes and the coloured hair tips are stunning.
? I think these two are my favourite avis atm. Especially the one to the left. I love the art style used and the sleek clothing style. The fact that it seems like effort was put into it - the details like the piercing eyes and the coloured hair tips are stunning.[/quote]
Honestly its hard to pick a favorite because not many have been striking me as a "masculine" type of avi, almost all of them been giving off the same kinda feel that the other gives. But if id pick any itd be the Valentine's day avi who holds the roses, the Easter one who holds the duck, and the Goku avi, these i feel have the most character to them and each show a different side of what men can be. #1 would definitely have to be the Goku one tho, i feel like the design team was spot on when they made him and i feel as if most details were put into this avi.
1. The DJ avatar, i think i bought it around 6 years ago and went inactive and now I’m only left with my surfer dude 2. Because it’s classy and the it stands out from the rest. P/s: would really appreciate if i can know what happened to all my avatars that I’ve purchased back then, cause i went inactive for a few years and just got back recently
Personally I don't have a specific favorite, the Blazer Boy is pretty good, I just like his hair lol. But something I'm personally looking for is more body inclusive masc Avis. Like all the chubby ones are like "dad" types and I don't believe I've seen any with Prosthetics or anything of that nature. I dunno just my personal take
1. I like the Scarficionado avatar best (from butter turkey hunt I think) 2. Because it just looks so good. It’s not your typical masculine avatar with simple design, simple clothes, etc. The Scarficionado ava has just one of the best avatars with the best fashion sense. It’s well-designed with the lighting, folds on the clothes; the face shape, facial features like eyebrows and eyes, and hair just fit so well all together to make a beautiful avatar.
1. Man bun bunny ears guy, graffiti guy,shirtless guy holding a doggo, and the one my rs has 2. There's something attractive about the chill nature those avis have. The whole "unbothered" look is nice. Each look is unique but show different sides of masculinity.