Seeking: Feedback on Masculine Avatars

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Aug 11, 2018.

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  1. Honestly I really think we need new ones ... I would love to see an option to make our own avi, with all past Avi parts available. It would open up the game and give people more of a personal feel.. that and make the Avi tradable... That would be a great help.
  2. 1. As of now it is this months pin stripe in spinner.
    2. I usually prefer a more suave and slightly funky Avi over the standard abs.
  3. My favorite masculine avataR made by the game is the guy on the red coat with those blue eyes. I only remembered Crimson on the avatar's name.
    Since the question is favorite. The below were my reasons why it is my favorite:
    1. I like the avatar's outfit. He is well dress, classy, and I like how covered he is.
    2. The ava's shows a great emotion of confidence with aggressiveness through his blue eyes.
    3. He has a seductive look and thw strong appeal. Even though I am not a type of a person who likes a guy who has a moustache. This one hair on his face drew well that it suit to the avatar's.
    4. This ava's skin tone was really attractive on its own and it can compete well with thosw Avi's with white skin.
    5. Overall. The ava was well drawn. Hot. Attractive. Appealing and seductive and most of all. Still manly.
  4. Tanned tree planter hes just sooo hot and handsome and i wish i ahve someone like him in real life 
  5. 1. The Causal Patriot
    2. I like this one and a few of the other Male avatars because I like the facial hair. It gives them a more grown up man look. It is party in my dorm. College men have facial hair.
  6. My favorite male avatar would have to have been the Retro Geode one, because the art team has made many amazing avatars along the way and do an amazing job designing them. I cant wait to see what they produce in the future.
  7. I really like those vip avis..changes can be done instead of one rose for vip a bunch would have been better plus the colour used could differ a bit like using neon colours could have given a punjent look these look like easter hunt avis guys from 2017 those rose ones .
  8. sport and style
    I love this ava.its the best ava I ever seen
  9. Whichever one the lumber jack looking one is dad my favorite. Too lazy to criticize ?
  11. 1.) My favorite masculine avatar is the prince charm-maker.
    2.) He's my favorite because of his catchy name, but also because of his asian decent. There are not many diverse avatars in PIMD. I wish there was a bigger selection for avatars of a different race other than black or white. I think with a more selection PIMDers would secretly appreciate it.
  12. Fave recent one is the pinstripe punk. Looks like a fully realized person imho

  13. These are my two favorite avis as well as a couple others that fit in this genre

    I dig the plugs & tat avis. Also like the idea of a grunge look or maybe even a $uicideboy look. Couple face tats & a drug problem (Not TrOlLinG) Check out Ruby DA Cherry & Scrim to grab a couple ideas on $uicideboy reference. I think a hunt where you gotta collect mixtapes would be chill. Do the avis like young & upcoming artists. Just keep the feminine avis away for awhile because that's what most of them look like. Kthxbai
  14. My fave would be the black and gold rose one, because it's hard to get you need to work for it and he looks nice in the suit and his not very common, his also nice cause his looks aren't to repetitive like other avis are it looks like more effort was put in to making him because he is hard to get.
  15. Pibstripe Punk is one of my favourites. I love his dark attire and his neck tat. He looks like one of my good friends. I love the avatars. They just get keep getting better. I think being able to create our own avatars would be a great way to express creativity and to be ourselves.
  16. In my opinion, the Travel Photographer is my favorite. The side angle is really nice, plus there is lots of detail that was added into the face and hair. His pose is amazing, and the prop (the camera) made it really distinct. ️
  17. Fixed.
  18. 1.Field Agent
    2. He looks cool and the stats are great and who doesn't love a secret agent right ? And yeah the masculine avatar are nice and the designs are great .. Keep it up PIMD
  19. I like the jack of hearts VIP avi. Its blue colour has a masculine play on the slightly feminine outfit. I like the hat it makes him look so intriguing and mysterious. My other fave avis also have a side pose (not staring straight at you) making their stance less intimidating.
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