Secrets RP sign up and rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *_Bridget_ (01), Nov 6, 2011.

  1. (XD takon join in.)
  2. -I see a hobo sleeping. I stoop down and bite into his shoulder-
  3. ( you did win him last time Mordici)
  4. I walk down the road my red hood hiding my face as I walk away from my old life-
  5. (pick on the hobos u meanie!)

    -A hawk flys down landing on my shoulder. I take the note from it and open it to see my next target-
  6. -looks around for the lake my legs burning, I scream out in pain-
  7. (you're next)

    -I finish and slurp the last drop before leaving the body and taking off again-
  8. (oh lord. Siren screams are notoriously loud and shrill)
  9. I look up my blue eyes reflecting the light as I hide my right arm-
  10. (I guess it's takons choice Bridget. )
  11. -finally finds town again. Sees dead hobo and screams with terror-
  12. -The high pitched scream rings in my ears. I kneel in pain holding them-
  13. (that's the point sal )
  14. (no u too have to pick)
    Hears the scream
    Thinks: homunculi?
  15. -also hears high picked scream and falls to the ground, almost def-
  16. (I'll date Eva! :p)

    -I slip in a puddle and scrape my face-
  17. -crawls towards the lake, screaming again-
  18. -I grit my teeth in excruciating pain. I clench my ears tight trying to make the pain go away.-
  19. I run at the scream transmitting my arm to a blade -
  20. ( oh dear fox...)
    -She yawns and sits in the rain-