Secrets RP sign up and rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *_Bridget_ (01), Nov 6, 2011.

  1. I so happy for Eva, this is good for her -looks at the lake-
  2. Smiles - right but I'm glad I'll be there with you
  3. I need to get ready -stands up-
  4. Hey I made your dress- looks up at you
  5. -smiles- you did?
  6. Ya - smiles it's on the bed
  7. Thank you -runs into Alex's house and sees the dress, puts it on and puts my hair in a side braid-
  8. I get up and clap hitting my cloths turnig them into dress cloths
  9. -I walk back outside smiling- it's beautiful
  10. Smiles - I thought you would like it
  11. -I slide on a pair of heels-
  12. Changes my shoes I'm now in a black tux with a blue green shirt and black shoes
  13. You look very sophisticated -giggles-
  14. Smiles- that's a big word and I hope she likes it I tried to match her dress like I made urs a deeper green - blushes
  15. Well I love it no matter what she thinks
  16. I walk over and hug you-you look amazing in it
  17. -I hug Alex back- thank you
  18. -looks around not sure what to say-
  19. I lift bridgets chin and softly her-