-I try and look through the darkness wondering of I should tap into my limited magic to see in the dark. It would risk discovery. I think better of it and continue looking-
-I see the commotion below me and use the opportunity to use my magic quickly. My eyes glow slightly and I see Fox in the tree across from me. I drop the magic almost as quick as it came. My eyes return to normal. I think to myself-
I'm Bridget -my legs are burning, I've spent to much time on land- can you please let me go, I really need to get going
"I'm so confused. Who are you? And why did you run into me? Sal, what's going on..? You seem to be the only one that knows. And you... Eva.... You're hiding something. I'm not stupid guys!"
"Bridget, it's fine." Yes you are hiding something from Me. I can tell." -Runs really really fast into the woods. To get away from everything-