-takes car to a party. Runs away after the mistake of ruining the party. Goes to town and sits on the sidewalk and cries-
-I see Melly up ahead and approach her. I kneel down gently Placing a hand on her shoulder- "Are you alright Melly?"
(change to family. They don't really like me but I still am rich.) "yes. I just I shouldn't have done that. I know he's gonna get mad. I just know."
-my mouth waters. The girl smells so good. So human. Sal walks up and an involuntary growl escapes. It was low but loud. I freeze. Knowing they heard it-
"I can't go home. But I'm fine. I'll just make a new home for myself." -dries tears and stands up" "thanks, alot. I hope to see you again."
-Years of training allows me to hear the growl and instantly know the direction it came from. I spin around looking up into the branches of the tree-
"Ima check it out!" -She walks with her tail in sight up to the tree- "What's up there? Is it a kitty?!"