Secrets RP sign up and rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *_Bridget_ (01), Nov 6, 2011.

  1. -walks out of the Forrest and into town-
  2. Follows her doing my best to walk my leg starting to crack-
  3. -She winks at him and walks-
  4. " don't know"

    -I walk to the forest and cast a spell to calm me down-
  5. -helps Alex into the oil shop- the owner is my cousin -I explain to my cousin what happened and he starts to fix Alex, tiered I fall asleep sitting on one of the waiting chairs-

  6. (night)
    I sit in the back- darn arm and leg
  7. -She giggles leaning against a wall-
  8. I'm glad your almost done
    -looks at the guy-
  9. -Laughs harder and cries-
  10. I stand up and walk out - tell Bridget I said thank you- leaves for the woods-
  11. -She grabs his arm-
    "Your not
    Going anywhere."
  12. Looks at her -
    Why not
  13. -She pulls him towards him-
    "Explain this. Now."
    -She points to the stone-
  14. Laughs-
    You have it and you don't know how
  15. -She kisses him-
    "Tell me."
  16. Backs up- what the
  17. I don't think so- turns around-
  18. -Grabs his arms and spins him around-