Secrets RP sign up and rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *_Bridget_ (01), Nov 6, 2011.

  1. -I walk up to everyone and stand next to Kate-

    "I'm wondering the same thing..."
  2. (ed can't be chug literally his mom came back from the dead stealing his brothers soul and his heart ed has no blood-)
  3. (Don't worry, I'll get my ass kicked.)
  4. -I sit perched in a tree watching everything silently.-

    Toodles. Night peoples)
  5. ( night fox) -I turn towards the stranger- are you ok?
  6. Nods
    Ya but u have a repair shop near bye I need more oil for my arm
  7. -I couldn't keep my emotions straight and a huge rainstorm appeared as my eyes turn slightly greener-
  8. -She falls and breathes-
  9. "What is going on. Will someone please explain to us?"
  10. Are you all homunculi?
  11. -Gets really mad for being left alone. Ground starts shaking. Am I doing this?? Freaks out. Then I calm down. And the ground stops. Is really freaked out now... What have I done..?-
  12. Yea I'll show you where in a minute -turns towards sal- sorry bout the screaming
  13. I need oil or this darn thing falls off so where is it
  14. -The ground shook harder with the combination of me and Melly. The rain poured down-

    "Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make it rain!"
  15. Do you need it this second?
  16. -She stands with blood dripping from
    Her mouth. Her tail and ears are freely seem-
  17. (I don't know I did that btw. And I gotta go. Night guys)
  18. Watches the oil come out of my bite on my neck and shoulder- well if u won't kill me and want to help put it back together I guess not