Season war vs Food war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -VIIlIlIX-CMG-Kratos-XIlIlIIV-, Mar 26, 2014.

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  1. Fuck you, John.
  2. Alices freak outs still not just HELP was offered HELP was taken the wrong way alice still has her war so whats the problem?
  3. Okay, stating my opinion upon my knowledge of the situation is complaining. You know what Tweak. I still consider you a friend. So i'm sorry Raven i'm sure you have enough experience and expertise in the matter to be able to make it an even war if it should ever happen. Sorry a noob like me knows nothing. I'm out.
  4. Emoji, I do not. I disbelieve some things, but this is not one of those. It's called trust. Trust is part of friendship, if you've ever heard of that.
  5. I missed the weave comment... 
  6. Angel it was anyones place… if u plan a war and dont go thru cuz its "too stressful"and cancel it then its up for grabs by anyones. And before u say she didnt cancel she did and i explained why couple pages ago
  7. Dumbass? Hahah if only you knew how much of one i was.
  8. Who are you quoting, Tweak? Pretty sure Alice didn't say it was "too stressful".
  9. Trust arent the facts! Alice was wrong in what she said and she became the bully the minute she told someone to kill themselves
  10. Name calling? So its ok when Alice called us all female dogs and to fuck off? But when someone else does it you mock them for being childish?

    I offered and Alice told me to take the war, so I created a replacement war for that day and time. She got upset that people weren't running and asking if she was ok and giving her attention so she decided the war was back on. I actually don't even care that shes having a war at the same time.
  11. It was in TC, the weave joke. by the way, folks.... A little public service announcement..... Tutor chat bypasses are silence able.
  12. Thats extreme and never that serious over a war that she still is having
  13. But I'm still going to say she didn't cancel, she just wanted postpone the war. Is that so hard to believe? She was still planning on having the war. You'll obviously never believe that, no matter how many times I try to explain it, so I'll leave before you resort to name calling again. I'm not going to lose sleep over some dumb argument.
  14. If i knew how to post ss id post my pm convo with her… she typed 4 post about it being stressful after she said she didnt give a fuck about the war being matched…
  15. Resetting to me means war is not happening, fair assumption correct? I was busy making my thread when she created her new account so there was no way for me to know she was back.
  16. *Eats Popcorn*
  17. How about we just leave it alone. Let Raven have her meat war and all others do the seasons war. All the going back and forth is getting us nowhere.
  18. Hmm, maybe i'm the only african-american not sensitive to black racist jokes
  19. The back and forth is passing time for me
  20. Nah, Emanon. 
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