Search Bar for showcase

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by LaraAmor, Mar 3, 2019.

  1. Support! 
  2. They should make the pixel item less importanté imo.
    Just do theme hunts for avatars.
    Make universal stat items of less variety.
    Y'all are too interested in junk with an
    image to make the game as dumb as it is.

    Pvp is using the misc stats... not setting a timer to sp on parties..
  3. Support oml. The neverending scrolling gives me cancer
  4. I agree with making the pixels less important, but, whether you are moving misc for PvP, trading, etc, it would still be helpful to have a search bar if you knew the name of that 4mcs item you have but don't want to scroll on and on to locate it. Also, you can access your avis through the "items" thing on your profile, so searching the name could still be helpful. Mcs and avis you like could benefit from a search bar too.
  5. !!
    Talisker_Storm likes this.
  6. It doesn't even need to be a search bar, could be a category maker where you can put any thing in a 'file'which you can name and put all the stuff relevant in it.
  7. "Selling","Misc", "Bentos", "Shards", "BB items", "Furniture" would be popular tabs I bet.
  8. support af
  9. And "other crap"
    Talisker_Storm likes this.
  10. Support 10/10
  11. Gotta love a good ol' support. If they take this idea on then i'll be happy. Hopefully they do since it isnt much to do. I think so anyway...
    Talisker_Storm likes this.
  12. Super Support. I hate scrolling.
  13. I'm not sure how hard it would be for ATA to implement tabs or a search bar, but, I'm sure this would make people happier than storylines you have to buy into or even trading avis... I get why that won't happen, but this, I don't see any actual reason to have an issue with, except the glitches that may occur with actually putting it into practice.
  14. for gifting and trading pls omggg. they just have to make this easier, it's a pain to scroll and locate everything
  15. Exactly, I decline or ignore a lot of trades just on laziness alone. ?
  16. Support!!!! Going three and trying to find if they have the write items are hard, this will also really help club admins