Search Bar for showcase

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by LaraAmor, Mar 3, 2019.

  1. Yes I would love yo have search bar for showcase, less hassle.
  2. You got a point there... I have no clue what some items are or whether they are bb, stat, or spinner. I think this will help new players and myself tremendously...
  3. Thanks to you I just noticed there is a search bar for friends... appreciate that
  4. Support
  5. Support
  6. Support support support
  7. Or you can learn your showcase ?
  8. Worst idea in the history of ideas ever to be thought of ever
  9. Support ! First time I hear but awesome one !
  10. You know you love it. You could find your cache of potties faster...or/and others could find them faster to gift them to you.
  11. That was such a hard sell but you’ve won me over already