School of Hipsterdry Drop of the Day

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Sep 18, 2015.

  1.  being selfish just a ? help others grow don't be a hater
  3. You suck Ata this game isn't fun anymore.....your forcing us to buy cats just to complete a stupid hunt cause of your greed cash filled pocket Ceos want more money.....ugh sick of this cat cafe only drops already so lame and unfair cause most of us that do play this game don't have real life cash to waste on a $7 dollar cat party....your making hunts impossible already for those that can't be on 24/7, that don't have Wi-Fi for the spinner,and now this why even bother having other parties sinces you never use they all anymore for hunts....unhappy with how this game in less then a year has became a digracefully greedy money driven game....what happen to the fun that one year ago everyone was enjoying not a hand full of people with no life or bills that can cough up there while pay check on a virtual game.....for what to gamble for a item and end up never getting a good avatar....ugh disappointed
  4. I will love to join
  5. Aw.. Only cat cafe..??
    Anyways, your so lucky to be in a B2B cc club 
  6. Whats the candy for?
  7. It's today's drop
  9. Today's drops are laxative candies. Yum!
  10. Hopefully it'll help get rid of atas 
  11. 
  15. support
  18. But really what would be the point of even releasing new levels? It would be pointless like the avatars/stat items in these stupid hunts as the only use they have is for pvp or wars.
    With ata and their b2b hunts there is no point in scheduling a war as most run to cc clubs or potd.
    This game is been going down hill fast.
    Now its just a time wasting game where there is no point/goal to strive for, so why spend rl money.
  19. So there's like no profits =.=