School of Hipsterdry Drop of the Day

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Sep 18, 2015.

  1. Ata that is only needed information from that post, you are welcome :lol:
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  3. How about making battles actually matter? Something to use the stats these hunts and gifts give?! 
  4. Next stop: only cat cafe parties will have drops....wish to participate in a hunt, pls buy cats . Every 10 cats gets u 1 ec and dn absolutely FREE :)

    Why do u even bother to act nice ata....
  5. This is over the top crazy. Nothing on this special is fair to anyone. Its like all of your lame ass excuse "you do not have to participate". Yet this round isn't over hunts. Its about you wanting money so damn bad that players need to either jump in & pay up or do w.o. all together.

    You wanna ask why players don't give you a 5 star rating... Maybe you should take a look at how you are running this game. You reached another all time low when you gave out 1 free dn and asked for a 5 star rating. Until you plan to fix this game you can shove your 5 star rating where the sun doesn't shine.
  6. More Pay to Play aspects to the Game I guess.
  7. Something only fpr Cat Cafe! Hmmm. Can't say it's unexpected. It had been coming for a long time 
  8. True, but they don't care/will never care :)
  9. well said ?
  10. Please bring next levels out and Pimd why can't you gift the lasers ?
  11. Bcuz ata wants everyone to buy cats. How to do this? Make drops only come from cat cafe. Then make it none giftable so players are more obligated to go and buy a cat if they want it.
  12. Pimd_community never shows up when gets questioned about why they're turning this game into a cat buyers only. Wouldn't be easier to just remove all parties?
  13. One smart angel  marry me
  14. Ata need more $$ lol
  15. we went from harry potter to Stars wars real quick

    "0-60 real quick"
  16. Please ATA..make old type lucky hunt anymorewe wanna have fun only..

  17. You won't ever let drops come unless they are in cc
  18. Dotd student aif
  19. Aid* won't let me edit :|
  20. but i dont have a club and you know how disregarding others can be and im new and I'll be active lol that's the ? huh