Scheduled Forum Maintenance – 11 AM PDT on June 27th

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Jun 27, 2019.

  1. Screaming noises
  2. Lmfao
  3. People have to start interacting elsewhere.? Interesting...
  4. We’re all about to be homeless
  5.  I laughed way too hard at this
  6. @Devs where the Fork is my soda gift
  7. New forums kinda new kinda donut like changes but I like it but I dont :( I AM CONFUSED
    _georgie_ and -_Lily15_- like this.
  8. Me to my friend me too 😂
  9. We shall get used to it. I mean im getting it now but playing around with it is your best bet
  10. No bring back the old forum ty
    Chelly likes this.
  11. I love this new one..just need time to get used but most i love is that u can close forum by X now to get back to main screen..before that needed to use Back button a lot to get back to main screen. Good job ATA 👍🏽 very comf 💕
  12. could also just shake your phone before, but yes the x is nice
    Voseph likes this.
  13. Shaking didn’t work on me. It just maded screen larger and had to restart game coz Back button disappeared as well after shaking 😊
  14. do you not have the go home thang?
    Voseph likes this.
  15. So I was wrong
    Rynnie likes this.
  16. That was an android only thing before ata added the X button
  17. i have an iphone :( essplain
    Voseph likes this.
  18. LOL very
    Voseph likes this.
  19. I have but after choosing Go Home button the screen just zoomed in and thats it. Needed to restart so I mostly used Back button a lot in forums 😏 it explains why im happy about the X 😊
  20. iOS users didn’t have a home button in forums