Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Sep 3, 2014.

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  1. @wetdreams And for the record, this is my first hunt in a b2b cc club. I've won several top 200 awards by LBH-ing and buying scavenger items from others at my own expense, not from b2b CC, therefore your argument is invalid. Try harder next time.
  2. Please increase the drops
    Not everyone can be in a b2b cc club and even some of those have been forced to leave them due to recent events lolll
    Increase them a tad please ata
  3. My argument is very valid, you are telling people not to complain about the hunt when you're in a b2b cat cafe. This hunt is only possible for people in b2b cat cafe and even people in those clubs struggle to reach the requirements
  4. And mayhem thanks again for proving to me that you have to gain from others and pay to win whether it's last bar hitting so you don't wait the long hours of the party but come last second to get the same reward as people who worked on that party for hours or pay for items from others instead of getting it yourself
  5. We all know that ATA makes the hunts easier at the near end most of the time, I doubt this hunt would be an exception. Such is life, nothing comes for free, sometimes when you're lucky. PIMD is no different from any other games, if you can afford to spend money, you're at advantage, if not too bad for you. Last bar hitting actually requires you to put in effort to look for clubs that are completing parties, not to mention the number of notes I threw in to salvage their failing parties. Some people are just lazy to last bar hit, no excuses. I play the game however I want to 
  6. Last bar hitting is lazy
  7. You could look in campus and see 10 people asking for last bar hitters and it takes less than a minute to look through ongoing parties that have only minutes left, or food people you've Merced with previously
  8. Yes paying does give you am advantage but they shouldn't base events that are only winnable through paying
  9. Last bar hitting requires a lot of your attention whereas you can unload and go back to RL on regular parties. Tell me which one is lazier?
  10. I could last bar hit for 1 hour and get my daily need in that one hour and never log on again for that day
  11. Lbh ing does require a lot of energy. You're almost never at full health and you cannot go offline for more than 5 minutes at a time.
  12. You could last bar hit for 8 or so parties in 1 hour which would take up to 8-16 hours staying in one club
  13. It is hard to gauge the time a club takes to complete last bar, hence it's hard to say how many last bars you can complete in under an hour.
  14. Omg ata please reverse which avis are sold!!! You'd make wayyy more from selling the 50% avi than the 40% I'm not inclined to buy a regular avi since they all are the same basically...but those special ones should be for sale...you did it with the Christmas ones I believe
  15. I've known Mayhem to be hardworking during hunts. Hell, he used to LBH so hard, he completed 2 member's sets during the pughunts, and our clubowner was like "Whaaaa._." ️

    Either way, I support the decreasing of difficulty during hunts, but we can't push the blame onto people in cc clubs. There will always be a market for b2b cc clubs because some people have the means to buy an efficient way out, and what's the issue in letting them play the way they want? Furthermore, ATA will keep that market in mind when designing cc-biased hunts, and will obviously reward them with higher payout. 

    I just wish that they could make the lower-ranked rewards (like the nonspecial Ava's) easier to achieve for people in easy parties. Let the catcafers pay their way to the special ones, but give me my damn right to getting an ava for my efforts.
  16. Has anybody ever think about this ?
    Since the hunt started, it goes harder and harder for the next hunt. For example the candy halloween hunt, the highest award is at around 1100 candies (idk if there's a higher reward like the most candies achieved etc). Most people(espescially lbh) can get way more than 1100. I can even see people with 2000+ candies. And i guess when the cat cafe came out, it becomes worse. At first the hunt is easy for cat cafe club and they can achieve more than the highest tier reward with ease, and ATA thinks "so people can actually reach that goal easy lol, how if we make the next hunt hard for the cat cafe club ?".
    Now this event may be challenging and fun for cat cafe club but i guess ATA didnt expect much for people who does regular parties. In fact i rarely to never, seen a promo for regular parties like 2x cash or some like that (except for increased drop for hunts in the last day of the hunt)
    Well, its just my opinions though. And sorry if my english is bad
  17. Increase the drop in ordinary parties(Not cat cafe and pizza pop[art] only). Or extend the days of hunt ata. -_-
  18. Goals are unable to be meet by people not in 24/7 cat cafes....ugh hate u Ata and I'm not the only one. You are driving away your customers over greed for cash making impossible hunts for reg. Partiers 
  20. Did they increase? I didn't notice nor see an update?
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