Scammers and the scammed

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DarkWolfChaos, Jun 20, 2015.

  2. Now everyone is so paranoid about being scammed. When people trade, there are those awkward few minutes of sitting there trying to decide who should send first. Cause the rule is never be the one to send first, but someone has to.

    It's not the end of the PIMD world if you get scammed, there will be a shiny new hunt next week.
  3. Not their fault that the person they traded with has not morals. It's understandable to sit there there and ask 'how stupid can you be?' If they get scammed after you warn them that the person is a scammer. However, without knowledge of who is a scammer and who is not it is not their fault and you can't say 'it's only your fault blame yourself'. They didn't ask to be scammed, the person who is fault is the scammer who lacks morals.
  5. So serious and moral in this thread.

    It's a game. Just like farming, scamming is allowed. If you don't know the person you're trading with, there's a chance you could be burned. It's common sense.

    I don't scam bc even tho its a game, I'd feel bad doing it, but I've also never been scammed bc I won't send first to a stranger if it's something I kinda care about.
  6. Scammers are so rude. ? They should at least say thanks. ?
  7. I dont like scammers so its must be their fault, besides most scammers here are an alt.. therrs bigger stats behind them

    Yes My parents told me not to talk with strangers when I was a kid... but now i think i just cant shut my mouth when the waiter asked me about my order in restaurant, buyers who came to my showroom, police officer who stopped my car because of that dang wrong turn.. i don't know them and they're strangers lol
  9. Is scamming players wrong? Yes

    But its kinda too far of a reach to compare things that happen in rl to things on a game. I might be the type of person to take players actions on this game & bet that's how they are in rl also. But all that means is they are not the type of person to trust in rl. They could be the kinda person to take from der own fam. Who's to say.

    As far as scamming goes on here...

    1) Trade with players you know
    2) Trade with players around your stats
    3) If you do get scammed its up to you, either farm the player or move on (refer to rule 2)

    I also think it is up to the club if they want to get involved or not. That is a risk the scammer is taking. If you can't handle being a club farm for your actions, I'd advise you to get outta the scamming life/business.
  10. #ScammingIsLife

  11. I wish you were a scammer too. Then I wouldn't have read this thread.
  12. Hard to get scammed nowadays.
    The scammer just gets farmed.

    But it's LOL when it happen.

  13. Agreed
  14. This post is just ignorant from someone whos never been through it. Just go sit down. Bye felicia. I havent been scammed but I do sympathize with those who have. Its just wrong to scam someone instead of getting up and getting the stuff yourself or the right way. smdh. No wonder my faith in humanity dies more everyday.
  15. I tried to make a list of "the most scammable people on PiMD" but the mods removed it for harassment, if posting a list down of players is harassment then explain how the "scammer list" is still up? That's still harassment as it contains players names... Explain mods.
  16. If you trade YOU run the risk of being scammed. Just ask your friends or clubmates... oh that advice was given already... in the OP. Support.
    if you trade with people you don't know and get scammed IT'S YOUR FAULT. No one made you trade with that person but yourself.
  17. And you shut it. Don't compare pervs to scammers, that's like apples to cucumbers. Smh
  18. Dude chill tf out. THIS IS A GAME. How in the hell could u compare someone getting raped, to someone getting scammed? So you're saying that the stealing of pixelated items are on the same level as forced sexual intercourse?

    I'll wait..... :roll:
  19. Agree, I don't understand these reros at all.