Say Goodbye: Avis, Items & Furni Leaving Soon!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Feb 8, 2019.

  1. Re: Say Goodbye: Avis, Items

    Please take those hideous knot avis with you.
  2. Re: Say Goodbye: Avis, Items

    what they said
  3. Re: Say Goodbye: Avis, Items

  4. Re: Say Goodbye: Avis, Items

    I hope this happens soon so I can open champagne boxes again.
  5. Nuuu I havnt make every thing yet tho
  6. Buying black and gold swan for 6b wmid
  7. You can take it out of the boxes now. I got the whole sets. ?
  8. No that not aloud I need more still
  9. Re: Say Goodbye: Avis, Items

    Ata pls give me learning legend avatar already..... it’s been a year and some months of me trying to get her
  10. Re: Say Goodbye: Avis, Items

    Agreed ?
  11. Re: Say Goodbye: Avis, Items

    This ? ?
  12. Re: Say Goodbye: Avis, Items

    PLEASE DO!!!

    Also No Support ATA!! Lol
  13. Re: Say Goodbye: Avis, Items

    Yes praise the Chulo!

    Knot avis WORST collectable avi ever.

    Get rid of those and leave the good ones alone 

  14. I love those stat items, though D:
  15. Pretty sure they are already deemed rare and are way overpriced as it is so not really making a difference to help fix the trade market eh
  16. It's all lie!
  17. Can this happen already
  18. Almost 3 months ago... Why hasnt this happened???
  19. Ata def of soon is so different from mine
  20. What's gonna gonna take it's place