Say Goodbye: Avis, Items & Furni Leaving Soon!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Feb 8, 2019.

  1. Re: Say Goodbye: Avis, Items

    Days ago I won 3 buddy box Avis in the same day ?then these new Avis are shown like why couldn’t I win these new ones instead eventually
  2. wish the stat items weren't going...I didn't even have a chance to combine..
    SaintBun likes this.
  3. There will be plenty to trade long after they’re gone
  4. Sayonara
  5. Re: Say Goodbye: Avis, Items

    In terms of the common combo items, it’s just the cream puffs, loaves of bread, tayaki, and cinnamon rolls that are leaving right? Like the guac, chicken, marshmallows, apples, etc etc aren’t leaving, correct?
  6. Re: Say Goodbye: Avis, Items

    The items in the image “leaving soon” will be leaving, the rest are staying for now
  7. Re: Say Goodbye: Avis, Items

  8. Everybody is leaving. Sad life xD
  9. I Wana Petition for The Buddy Box Items, Furniture And Avatars To Stay! I like Getting Cream Puffs And Cinnamon Rolls! ? oh and the bedtime babe avatar
  10. Nooo!! I havent finished collecting the VIP furnis
  11. Re: Say Goodbye: Avis, Items

    That's what I was thinking. What would the prices for roses/bouquets/etc be now?
  12. Damn i sold my co-z cloud. Could have made way more from it now
  13. I have rose bushes and swans make me an offer because I don't want those avis
  14. No support
  15. Re: Say Goodbye: Avis, Items

    What I don't get is, are they gonna delete the bb stat items from the box ONLY or even from our showcase?
  16. Re: Say Goodbye: Avis, Items

    When you’d normally receive a buddy box, open it to find those items, they will no longer come from the box. Your showcase is safe
  17. Re: Say Goodbye: Avis, Items

    Seconded this
  18. Re: Say Goodbye: Avis, Items

  19. don'ttttt do itttt! someone post a forum saying to keep the old bb items and put them in a box on the spinner or something. I will support. Lol.
  20. Sadly ata won’t listen even if we try, there’s always trading tho