Re: Say Goodbye: Avis, Items I like the emo avis tho I know for sure I cant get them because im poor af
Re: Say Goodbye: Avis, Items Should’ve been the first to go and maybe replace them with something similar
Can't you just move all these things to different kinds of boxes? </3 [Sad I won't make all the bb combinations eventually]
Re: Say Goodbye: Avis, Items Smart to get rid of the things people spend for. ? RIP the Ava I wanted.
Re: Say Goodbye: Avis, Items To replace with more things to spend on, still time to try for those Avis
Re: Say Goodbye: Avis, Items How much do I need to spend to get the bedtime babe ? cause I still wants
Re: Say Goodbye: Avis, Items How did I manage to win 5 of the female avis but only 1 male avi ? I swear they give us the opposite sex avis from what we usually use.