Saving Corpral Gowler

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by __Jake__, Apr 12, 2011.

  1. I really want u to write more NOW!!!! please 
  2. Cewl cewl cewl! Im pro-gunner 
  3. 
  4. im gonna stop writing this story now...
    sorry guys...
  5. Chapter 6:

    Jake and C-J-S were talking when they heard a rustling from behind, they shut up when they heard a swift bark from behind. "Put your wepons down" said a gruff german voice. Jake took this as a warning and only put down his guns, not his knives. C-J-S put all his wepons down. The two germans came in front of them. "well i never, its The SAS boys. Where's the rest of them?"
    "they deserted" Jake lied.
    "Of course they did, for that lie i'm going to cut your head off and stick it on Heir Hitler's dinner plate."
    "You do that" Replied Jake.
    The german drew a blunt knife and lined up behind him and started to stab down fast, But at that instant jake kicked the guy in the balls and turned round caught the knife and impaled it in his eyeball. He then turned around and Threw his knife at the other german but he shot a bullet an instant before, Embedding itself in C-J-S's skull. But that was the germans' last move, jake ran to C-J-S and he whipsered softley "I'll See you in the afterlife"
    C-J-S just smiled then his head rolled back.
  6.  he had to die 
  7. That's ... Sad :cry: