Save The Date

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, May 15, 2018.

  1. umm stupid hunts no wars now :/
  2. Dates broken, I want my 2 ecs back
  3. why did you post this twice? send a help ticket
  4. TO BRING ATTENTION TO IT K. Why you always on forums stirring the pot.
  5. spam is against the rules. the only way to ensure ATA sees the issue and fixes it is to send a help ticket.
  6. [/quote]spam is against the rules. the only way to ensure ATA sees the issue and fixes it is to send a help ticket.[/quote]

    You weren't hugged enough as a child were you? It was submitted twice because it didn't show it posted the first time. I know ToS better than you and that wasn't considered spam. Could care less about those 2ecs, was just saying it to bring attention. Go make some friends or something.
  7. Why are you so triggered over me asking why it posted twice? It sounds like you're the one with no friends tbh
  8. like all i did was ask why it posted twice and suggest you send in a help ticket smh
  9. Amazzinggggg!!! ??
  10. The butterfly accents on the furniture is lovely. I look forward to collecting it. Good luck with hunt everyone!
  11. This hunt is beautiful. Nice work.
  12. That furniture. ?
  13. I feel like this hunt would have been better suited for Valentine's Day tbh. Furniture is cute though. 
  14. Umm whats the point in making partys so hard no one can win them?
  15. Where is this special date at?
  16. There’s different levels of parties. Some clubs are doing only low level while some do high level. Join wherever you fit in.
  17. Her hair kind of reminds me of the Christmas Class Vip avis hair. (It’s very pretty, just made me think of the other lol)