Sassy and Smooth's wedding war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SASSYSMOOTH, May 4, 2015.

  1. Wedding Wars are still a thing?
  2. I like sassy
  3. Yes they are. Duhhh that's why I'm having one. Jeesh
  4. I'm down for whichever side
  5. I'll join side that needs some balancing out
  6. ? I work this day ......
  7. You better figure something out buggy 
  8. You can choose a side before if u want
  9. Me n My Mrs'
    Sassy' Side ?
  10.  Sign me up, Bride's Side.
  11. Wooohooooo biggzzzzypooo now don't get silenced lol
  12. Thanks sky you and Ruth will both be on my side 
  13. She requested it as so, can't argue with her. She's my stubborn Candy Bar. Congrats by the way! ?

  14. I got it lol
  15. Tell em sweetheart
  16. I like be wars. The bring on loyalty and working together. PIMD used to be all about war. And now it's everyone for themselves. I can't wait
  17. I'll take a wall reminder when you have them ready. I don't know which side I'll join
  18. Do u want to hit saucy, justin, foot or tweakypoooo?? Lol I'll put u on the opposite side of them ?

  19. of course I'm in 