
Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Wesday, May 13, 2019.

  1. Isn't the grass puppy heavy
  2. I don't think I'll be able to fake throw that ball bb. ?
  3. Hah. Puny human.
  4. Shush.. I'm mad at you.
  5. Eat some spinach
  6. Is just leaning, not fully on him
  7. Unfazed
  8. I want the pupper next to that grass thingy.. bby.. can we get one? Pretty pls... ?
  9. I love them both
  10. I wish I wasn't so lazy so I could learn how to upload gifs ☹
  11. Download imgur
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    Hold down on the image and press Copy post link
    Go back to forums
    When you’re making a response, use [:imgfit]paste post link[/imgfit] *delete the colon

    *Sometimes with imgur, the gif link will have a v at the end of .gif. Just remove the v and your gif should work*
  12. Should’ve made a wrap
  13. I love a good salad, but it has to have sustenance to it, grilled chicken, bacon, boiled egg ?
  14. Wednesday can’t eat that stuff tho
  15. I know, but berries and almonds would make a salad good too!
  16. I like pickles on my salads. Who wants to fight about it?
  17. Sound gross but you do you
  18. Like actual pickles? Because cucumbers just get pickled
  19. Pickles are cucumbers
  20. Noooo way