Sad Boi

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by renamed41832, Apr 6, 2019.

  1. I’m sad now coz you infected me with your sadness ㅠㅠ
  2. Is it weird that I thought you were a girl?
  3. So I was right.
  4. Sad gal*
  5. Crib! Crib! I'm a baby!


  6. Why you sad? Tell me.
  7. Sad boi alert
  8. Oh ily Gimmie more kitties & I’ll tell you
  9. Omg the kitty pics are kyuuuuute
  10. I’m gonna kittynap that cat
  11. The previous kitty was rescued Friday morning and given in adoption to a lady with good references this afternoon.

    The following belong to a couple of friends:
  12. And my family:

  13. Hey ily ? ty for uplifting my mood
  14. I’m sad as well. I’m silenced for 7days.

  15. Get rekt scrub
  16. Mods b hatin
  17. That Just Hurt My Heart More...