Runaways (rp)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *_Bridget_ (01), Jun 8, 2012.

  1. Sorry bridget i cant help it
  2. I start to cry
    It hurts so much
  3. Kat: -jumps down from tree- Hola
  4. I stand up and softly push jodie down- now sit-looks at Bridget-could you get my flash light from the glove box?
  5. Thankyou Alex,
    I wipe the tears from my eyes and look at kat
    Em... Hi
  6. Kat: -raises eyebrows- What happened here?
  7. Jodie I um need you to close your eyes- I look at bridget
  8. -grabs the flashlight and hands it to Alex-
  9. We are all runaways
    I was attacked and stabbed in the hib several times so I ran away from my care home
  10. Thank you -turns it on and shines it at the ground - b Bridget put your hand here- softly moves your hand to under the light-
  11. Kat: Oh... well... Suck it up. Keep pressure on it to stop the bleeding you might stitches. If she does, I can help with that.
  12. I wave my hand- I'll heal it right now just give me a few seconds gosh- sighs and sticks hand into the shadow then my hand turns black -
  13. -does what alex tells me-
  14. I look in amazement
    Wow Alex!
  15. Jodie don't move until I say Ito ok-takes my hand and places it on jodies cut hip the black slowly comes of my hand and covers the cut and I move my hand- you'll be fine in a couple of hours and it's ok to move
  16. -sees all the blood on Jodies shirt and bites my lip trying not to look at it-
  17. Thanks Alex
    -smile at him and gets up-
    Kat are u needing somewhere to sleep?!?
  18. Kat: -looks at Bridget- You never seen blood sweet heart? It's inside you, you know?
  19. I look at Bridget and cover her eyes with my hand- better?