Runaways (rp)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *_Bridget_ (01), Jun 8, 2012.

  1. Anja:
    -steps out of the car, pulling on her bookbag-
  2. I wave madly at them...
    Hello???? I run up to them ...
  3. I look over my shoulder- um hi?
  4. Sure -sees someone run over to us and steps closer to alex-
  5. Saylie: -Gets my stuff and sets up a few tents- Figured it would help!
  6. Slowly steps infront of bridget- who are you girls?
  7. Hi I'm Jodie nice to meet u!
    I ran from home -looks around- all three of us did, wat about u, it's not exactly common to see Ppl here?
  8. Anja:
    -whispered- "let's just go..."
  9. Saylie: I'm Saylie..Multiple personality.. I freaked out and killed almost everybody in a mall..
  10. No anja I think all of us should stay together...
  11. It's gonna get dark soon so lets use kaylies tents and stay safe
  12. Well I'm Bridget and this is alex
  13. I nod- nice to meet you
  14. Nice to meet u too so are u both running away?!?
  15. Saylie: Nice to meet you. -Enters my tent and relaxes-
  16. -Stands next to alex- yes
  17. -runs to the car and pulls out a camping stove and some hot dogs-
    Any one hungry ?