Runaways (rp)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *_Bridget_ (01), Jun 8, 2012.

  1. -looks out the window- the Forrest?
  2. Easiest place to hide
  3. Saylie: -We arrive at my house-
  4. So were should I drive to... Any ideas?!?
  5. Saylie: The forest.
  6. Anja:
    -nods in agreement-
  7. Ok yea that's true -watches you drive-
  8. I sigh and slow down then stop-
  9. Ok  ( I start to head of...)
  10. It'll only take about 15mins
  11. Is this where were gonna camp for the night?
  12. Anja:
    -humming quietly-
  13. We need to go in a little bur we are close
  14. I stop the car... Were here!
    Can u see 2ppl over there ?!
  15. Ok well I didn't bring like "camping" stuff, just clothes
  16. I smile- always not thinking-I get out of the car and grab my bag from the back and grab another bigger back
  17. Anja:
    "I see them." -looks over-
  18. -laughs and smiles back as I get out of the car and grab my bag-
  19. I smile- ready for a short walk?
  20. Let's get out (slams car door and shouts)
    Hi over there (looking at alex and Bridget )