Runaways (rp)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *_Bridget_ (01), Jun 8, 2012.

  1. -finishes changed and walks towards camp unable to see and bumps into Alex- o sorry -blushes-
  2. ^Scratch that
    Saylie: -Isn't waking up-
  3. B Bridget I I was actually coming to talk to you-blushes
  4. Kat: -eyes brows raised at Saylie- Ugggh sure cause I have nothing better to do -walks over to her- What am I supposed to do?
  5. Jodie: saylie get up are u ok?
  6. Jodie: kat, shes not getting up!
  7. Saylie: -Wakes up and starts crying-
  8. Oh? What about? -smiles-
  9. Jodie: saylie wats the matter?
  10. Kat: -groans- Saylie just quit it and tell us.
  11. Saylie: Why am I like this?!
  12. Kat: -runs temples- *mumbles* Oh lord here we go....
  13. Jodie: it's ok saylie, we don't mind. Please don't hurt yourself again!
  14. Saylie: -My eyes grow a tint of green- What do you mean "Here we go again" Kat?
  15. Bridget will you go out with me-blurts it out a little blushing and rocking a little-
  16. Kat: Sorry I don't exactly put up with questions "Why is my life like this?" "Why am I like this?" because there's always someone suffering worse. So just be happy you're alive.
  17. Jodie: I'm goin to look around...
    I walk away...
  18. Kat: Yeah I'm gonna go to my motorcycle -walks to motorcycle and starts fixing it-