Runaways (rp)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *_Bridget_ (01), Jun 8, 2012.

  1. Saylie: -Runs and tackles Jodie-
  2. Jodie: hey Alex... I heard u like bridget... She like u too so why don't u make a move 
  3. I spin around a see saylie with her wild eyes... I run as fast as I can and manage to get away...
  4. Kat: Alex, I have an attitude problem. So there's nothing stoping me. YO BRIDGET! ALEX LIKES YOU! NOW GO AND MAKE A DAMN MOVE ALREADY! -starts laughing-
  5. Blushes and puts hands on my face-ugh...
  6. Saylie: -My eyes return to blue and I walk back to camp-
  7. -is humming to myself so I don't hear anyone, grabs some track shorts to sleep in and goes further into the woods where no one can see me to change-
  8. Jodie:WOO HOO go kat!!!!! Although can someone help coz saylie is gonna kill me!
  9. I sit by the tree my face bright red-
  10. Jodie:thank god saylie is normal again...
  11. I jog over to Alex
    Jodie: are u gonna make a move on her yet...!
  12. Saylie: -Sits next to a tree and cries silently-
  13. I blush-Jodie...
  14. Kat: Alex, make a move -snaps and points towards where she went- Vamoose my friend.
  15. Saylie: -Bangs my head into a tree until it knocks me out-
  16. Jodie: go and get her Alex b4 I chase u there... Now go!
  17. I blush and stand up walking into the woods-b Bridget?
  18. I run to saylie and drag her to the floor then I poar water over her to wake her up
    Jodie: SAYLIE GET UP!
  19. Saylie: -Sprawled out underneath a tree-
  20. Jodie: hey kat , can u help me with saylie...?