Runaways (rp)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *_Bridget_ (01), Jun 8, 2012.

  1. Uh -blushes- just good friends
  2. Jodie:honestly? U would me the perfect couple...
  3. -looks over at alex- you think? -blushes even more-
  4. I turn away from Bridget and is violently sick, blood is also coming up as I hold back my hair...
    After I've stopped I turn back to bridget
    Jodie: what was that !
  5. Jodie: yeh u would be a perfect couple... I dont feel so good. Do u have a paracetamol?
  6. Jodie:but yeh u would be perfect together...
  7. Here lay down i'll go see it there is anything in Alex's car
  8. Jodie:thanks
  9. Saylie: -Exits my tent and starts running around screaming like crazy-
    (Personality change )
  10. Looks over at saylie- um are you alright?
  11. -hands Jodie a pill- here this should help
  12. Kat: -grins- You like Bridget!
  13. Shhh-looks at cat with a blush- not so loud
  14. I look at saylie
    Even though I'm Ill I jump up and grab her
    Jodie: saylie it's ok, calm it's fine...
  15. Jodie:thanks for the pill bridget,did u hear kat and Alex over there...?
  16. Saylie: -Glares at her, my green eyes sparkling-
  17. Kat: Its obvious Alex -a little louder- You totally like her!
  18. Yea no problem and no I didnt
  19. Jodie: saylie,relax ok...
    I let go and start to walk over to kat and Alex...
  20. I look at Kat the blush growing-stop Kat stop please s she doesnt need to know