
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DarkRose1908, Dec 25, 2011.

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  1. I love when people brag about stuff that isn't even true. 
  2. lolz and 11 year old thinking they're a genius for saying hypocrite 
  3. I'm not here to bash but I'm not Realy impressed with Etheir side of this fight. In my opinion they both fail 
  4. -Thread ends with an arrow to the the knee-
  5. Damn it ha10 ruined it -_- damn sittin references
  6. Blockey, trying to bash me now? Hypocrite isn't the only word I use. I use it because THAT'S WHAT YOU ARE. If you fucking want to insult me and troll me, do it in a legit way. Right now I don't give a shit if I make you butthurt through this screen, because you can screw yourself sideways for all I care about. Are you that dense to seriously attack me for no fucking reason just because I'm a kid and you want the attention that desperately? I suggest you go the Chat Roulette and hit up a pedophile instead. I'm sick of my haters attacking me every single fucking night. Now go find your own entertainment or go flip yourself sideways and do it. 
  7.  I thought some other 11 year old was saying hypocrite... lol
  8. Oh dear God shut up
  9. What was that suppose to be
  10. Son of a bitch, blockey I'm done with you. Just leave me alone because I don't have time to deal with your hate. 

    Can a mod please lock this thread or delete the posts?
  11. Yeah attention was what I was going for , and its definitely because you're a kid.  saying im a hypocrite just shows how you don't understand what it means.  legit isnt a real word, legitimate is.  Great vocabulary there 
  12. Alright I'm gone.  see ya
  13. 
  14. Blocky87 is born on 1987.
  15. That shows how ignorant you are for attacking a kid for no legit reason. Legit? Well pardon me if you're such a dimwit to not know that legit is legitimate in short form.

    Go grow a pair of balls and then find a legit reason to attack me. I'm fed up with your pathetic insults. Last time I checke you trolled all my threads because Garret spoke up. Too scared to be the one to talk because I push you back down? Like I said. Go screw yourself sideways.

  16. sorry I'm going to have to go with fail
  17. *Eats popcorn*
  18. Tynos, this isn't a fucking competition. If you want a show then go to Cartoon Network and watch the Pink Panther do a cartwheel.

    I'm pissed off right now, and I don't give a shit if I 'fail'. I want to say this out loud and clearly, that I don't need a bunch of pansies to stalk and write obstinate comments involving how I'm a 'skamp'.

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