I'm not here to bash but I'm not Realy impressed with Etheir side of this fight. In my opinion they both fail
Blockey, trying to bash me now? Hypocrite isn't the only word I use. I use it because THAT'S WHAT YOU ARE. If you fucking want to insult me and troll me, do it in a legit way. Right now I don't give a shit if I make you butthurt through this screen, because you can screw yourself sideways for all I care about. Are you that dense to seriously attack me for no fucking reason just because I'm a kid and you want the attention that desperately? I suggest you go the Chat Roulette and hit up a pedophile instead. I'm sick of my haters attacking me every single fucking night. Now go find your own entertainment or go flip yourself sideways and do it.
Son of a bitch, blockey I'm done with you. Just leave me alone because I don't have time to deal with your hate. Can a mod please lock this thread or delete the posts?
Yeah attention was what I was going for , and its definitely because you're a kid. saying im a hypocrite just shows how you don't understand what it means. legit isnt a real word, legitimate is. Great vocabulary there
That shows how ignorant you are for attacking a kid for no legit reason. Legit? Well pardon me if you're such a dimwit to not know that legit is legitimate in short form. Go grow a pair of balls and then find a legit reason to attack me. I'm fed up with your pathetic insults. Last time I checke you trolled all my threads because Garret spoke up. Too scared to be the one to talk because I push you back down? Like I said. Go screw yourself sideways.
Tynos, this isn't a fucking competition. If you want a show then go to Cartoon Network and watch the Pink Panther do a cartwheel. I'm pissed off right now, and I don't give a shit if I 'fail'. I want to say this out loud and clearly, that I don't need a bunch of pansies to stalk and write obstinate comments involving how I'm a 'skamp'.