Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -BabyJoey-, Aug 15, 2013.

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  1. Eman they hate cuz she is No1 on VIP list and they aren't even close to reaching there ?
  2. Just an honest opinion from a completely impartial outsider:

    1) so she was smart enough to get someone bilingual to write what she wanted to express in english. Good job on her part to try and get her point across.

    2) the 300b dv thing. I never saw where it was explicitly expressed Profit.

    3) maybe she brought it here to forums instead of pm for the retranslation from aformentioned friend back to her native tongue. Much easier than any other way really. RS if nothing wrong was done on your part there's no need to be ashamed of it being on formus.

    4) what is VIP anyways? What does that really matter? Someone mentioned paper tiger earlier and I can see that being right. I've looked thru the lists and seen the stats and tuts and such.

    Like I said earlier. Just my take on the whole thing.
  3. It will cost you 1k usd, I'm sure he's an alt 
  4. Well the question is...beef or chicken?
  5. Chicken damn it!! I'm still waiting 
  6. This thread needs to be locked..js..
  7. V I agree with you, that account appears to be an alt
  8. Whether a reason was given or not as long as Yun being playing she knew bringing it to forums would not solve anything. She blocked the people who could help resolve it according to previous pages. But oopps nobody better say anything against BCS or they might get "banned" from their club like I did. Right yun???
  9. The inspector sugar
  10. Detective sugar reporting for duty
  11.  How does someone get banned from a party club?
  12. Look at his awards he started 92 days ago unlocked all dorms 92 days ago and has owned a club with 100 members 87 days ago. That means he is someone very wealthy in the game who has enough control to let him lead the clubs alt

    Detective Willis will update with further developments
  13. Why does it matter if they are an alt or not? ?I mean half the game has an alt or two or three

    Oh I'll take chicken seeing how I had steak last night. But prefer a nice salad instead
  14. Um...or you could just look at the ss posted on this thread where he openly admits he's an alt

    Either way, good luck with the investigation ?
  15. Just saying...because a male avi you think they are male? Assumptions first 3 letters make you look like an ASS. We all know this very well
  16. I'm sorry.....

    I actually laughed out loud....

    That is all....
  17. 
    Anyone For Tic-Tac-Toe
    0-0 0-0
  18. Yes i am an alt. Is everyone happy? Next? my name is Edward Nunya
  19. If RS requests I will cease with my investigation.
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