Dave. You agree RS and bcs should be friends yet I have ss you in cc saying y'all should start a sfw with us which is it?
Now they all look at adults so if they dont get along on a game why dont they just ignore each others prescence? Its not like they ever have to cross paths or speak to ea h other. I dont understand.
Yeah sure...that's what it is Pun has given the reasons quite clearly here on the thread as to why. If that isn't satisfactory to you then....um to put nicely....that's your issue Now can we move on and get on with the important things such as trying to get this damn headphone trophy??
Everyone just needs to stop and play the game, fighting, crying and arguing over a game is stupid. Sadly this will never stop
Yun should think before her petty actions. She can always get herself into trouble, but never get herself out of them. So Yun which of your brainwashed minions wrote this pathetic cry for help? Or are you writing in forums bc other ppl that have helped you in the past are tired of you idiocracy? So maybe I should start farming you again bc you are truly the most worthless VIP EVER in pimd history with all your whining.
War = one side loses every thing the other side loses less Peace = both side gain from each other Don't hate just love