
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Sassy-Diva, Jun 14, 2014.

  1. And like Cel said

    Theres no point in arguing over it.

    Every one is entitled to their own opinion.
    And everyone has their own opinion which wont be changed :)
  2. Yes, now let's Rp Cel ;)
  3. To what webby said on page 1. Support! :lol:
  4. Jorge let's goat rp
  5. As i said on numerous threads before, most of us don't run around pretending to be a pizza delivery girl and offering mojitos in cc because we're having a party in club. Similarly, I don't consider myself to be an Italian plumber when I'm playing supermario. If you do then perhaps it's time to step out the basement ️

    Forums have officially gone to the dogs. I'll let you morons have your rp fun and go associate with normal people :lol: