There are actually many different ways of defining 'normal'. not many whereby trying to screw your phone is one though....
Awww did my little comment offend you? Naw you poor thing. It's just a silence. Who cares. You're acting as if I made a whole thread complaining about my silence. Now, run along you peasant if simple comments like that offend you, you should take your ass of forums. I'm allowed to express my opinions and I think rp is filth. Deal with it. I never said I don't think people should do it, I just perceive it as filth.
When did you hear rp is trying to screw your phone? Most rp is actually like a book being written. I quoted a couple things from a rp to spitfire and he said"wtf dude you could make a movie out of this!"
?Your post had as little effect on me as a thunderstorm on the other side of the earth would.I take little offense to most things,I just enjoy slapping people with a little bit of logic. (Hopefully I posted before the other one replies again?)
A book being written? dear god there's some delusions of grandeur right there..... Silencing shouldn't really be an issue. You can just talk to Siri although I'm told she doesn't get too nasty which is why I guess the creepers turn up here....
I feel that a lot of people here perceive rp differently due to the way some people ask for it in wc. I do not rp on here. Although I have written stories with a friend together and from what I've seen some of the rps done on this game are no different. Rp does not always have to be immoral or sexual in any type of way. Like rune has said, some are typed out in a book format and can actually make for a good read depending on the person.
What logic did you apparently slap me with? Cause I saw no logic in your statements. No, of course my comments had no affect on you. You commenting on my statement and my silence really showed you didn't give a fuck. LOL.
Yet everytime someone appears to talk about how 'great' and 'innocent' rp is, another one appears asking for nasty stuff. And you wonder why people judge you all together....
Not all rp is innocent or great,there are plenty of crap ones mixed in with us I will say for damn sure. I have seen people ask for rp then do"smiles" "Laughs" "Jumps" NO just no :lol: I could go back and quote the king being brought into a apocalypse rp,very menacing in its description.-.
I think the perception of what RP is on this app has been tainted by all the losers on WC asking for sexual RP. It's unfortunately made the rest of you look like shit. So, overall my view of RP is that it is filth. However, not all are filth some are actually great stories but the majority are crap.
Hrvatica, I agree. Like I said, I do not rp on here. I collaborate on stories with friends outside of this game. Whether that is known to you all as rp or not is up to you to decide. What I'm trying to explain is some people do the same in fanfic where they collaborate together. I've seen books where there are several authors listed working on the book. I guess I see it as the same as that. Does that make sense?
A few of us did have awesome fun trolling the hell out of some idiots who were pretending to be wolves :lol: every alternate sentence involved 'growling menacingly' or 'red eyes, blazing like the sun'. Pathetic
Writing stories? Not sure that's the same as living in a giant mansion where there's a pool and we're all super hot and skinny and want to be famous. That's the correct stereotype for about 90% of rp clubs here at a guess
Majority in public are crap lol,but you'd be surprised to know that Many larger players who rp and do it well do it in secret. I have seen a couple who when I rped with was like"holy hell! I don't want to reply with an equal length post" But the majority shown are noobs indeed. If you actually want to do a good rp,follow me or a trolly fish rp?those are funny
Okay. Well I guess writing together isn't the same as the rp known on this game Casper. Although a few of these stories where other characters can become involved from different players are also judged and classified as rp which is what I'm trying to explain.
I am so tired of reading about this bcuz it is so stupid. Let's look at it like this... ask yourself do you get off with a said bf, gf, husband, or wife? Do you watch movies that may be fully out dirty or some of it is? Do you read book that involves some sexual things? If you do none of this at all in your life fine say it is nasty or w.e. but really ppl need to stop being judgemental about how others run their own life. If that is what gets them off or just makes them happy itis up to them. You do it your way they do it theirs. Not only that you are playing a rp game. How? Well you are using characters not your pics for starters. This game runs on fake money. Do I really need to make a list here.
And casper a lot of what you are talking about is even in sfi/fantasy book and guess what many are best sellers. Then some books are even made into movies. You would even have most movies even action ones bcuz some ppl are creative. Someone had to come up with a story line at some point. But the so called dirty rp is their choice of how they want to be sexually with someone else. Stop bugging about it. Hell they are doing nasty rp on a game while you have ppl in rl sleeping with just about anyone or using their body for payment. Get over it.