
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Sassy-Diva, Jun 14, 2014.

  1. Good luck with that  How long are you gonna take ? I'll be waiting.  Like 2-3 months ?  I'll be a bc by then. ? Hurry up. ?
  2. Shhh.. Don't talk. Lemme watch *picks up a candy*
  3. Anyways, I'm not wasting any more time on you right now.  ️ bye
  4. *nods slightly and takes a piece of candy for myself chewing it slowly*
  5. Thts rite Bonnie go waste yr time on something else yuh immature little ***** ;)
  6. Ooh n ill b waiting also ;)

    Can't wait ^_^
  7. *shouts whisperingly* I hate censors!
  8. Lol I'm sure yuh knw wht I mean ↑
  9. *whispers back*i know!
  10. I'm not  u see I ain't from hell unlike rune.. So tell me, was it the female doggie word ? :geek:
  11. Soooo... Role play anyone?

    Jk. Nice thread though.
  12. I'm not from hell
    I took it over ?
  13. Me immature ?  Sorry, I dont think I'm the immature one. You were the one who started hiring and dropping my alt out of jealousy cus you liked Bryan while you were with your boyfriend.  Then you hit my main 6 times. Keep thinking what you want, cus after it all, you're still the immature ***** who needs to get over herself. ️
  14. Lol forum is being locked thanks to all those who were being nice ^.> have a good nite all
  15. Inb4 lock
    Inb4 FuBu
  16. @ Bonnie I didn't want yr bf hun, I'm happily married I hired n dropped yr alt yes, why may yuh ask? bc yuh date on a game little girl...FIND a RL BF notta "gameboy toy" ooh look rp *laughs get off of my thread chicky ;)
  17. STOP!!!

    All my popcorn is over 

    Hold on while I go get some more popcorn.
  18. My god this is getting good
    Mod pls don't lock this is better than tv!
  19. Was I nice ? At rp ? ;)