Discussion in 'Wars' started by Kefo, Dec 26, 2015.

  1. Oh. I see. Very interesting flavours.
  2. Its all about getting the right combinations to get the best Rp results ;-)
  3. Are.... You... Serious...

    This is absolutely retarded.
  4. Umm...some would say I have a great Caramel Apple rp (lvl 55) & on occasion I like to do chocolate-dipped strawberry rp (lvl 32). Hit me up, I need the experience points to lvl up :lol:
  5. Ooh. So sweet Sammu
  6. 999999999999

    Looking for 30's farmer rp
  7. And sometimes sticky ;)
  8. You came to the right place ;-)
  9. 30's American farmer?
    Please be more specific because like 30's American, Chinese, Mexican, Australian, etc. Are very different and the Rp can be quite drastically changed by the geographical position of the farmers during the 30's.
  10. looking for unicorn arpee im charlie 2 and will you kefo be my charlene ?
  11. Omar I can try my best *whinneys in great, optimistic anticipation*
  12. Rp level: infinite

    Best Bad joke(bad attitude) rp youll find
  13. What is the rare candy for.it looks like a rare candy from Pokémon to me
  14. Oh honestly Megan. The candy is for levelling up.
  15. Lol then is it in a hunt???
  16. No, I just made the rare candy thing up since you level your Pokemon up with rare candies lol.
  17. It makes sense that you're blond now
  18. Lol blonde/brown hair ,blue eyes
  19. idk how many kcs I have now