Discussion in 'Wars' started by Kefo, Dec 26, 2015.

  1. I'm saving it within the quote, so no worries. Credit shall be given. :D
  2. 1 rare candy for a chibi sound good to you?
  3. Okay.pm me and I will give you the candy
  4. I have two baes in mind for you. Hit Charlie in my club up for the second type ;) .
  5. Charlie the unicorn? I hope they will be amazing at the unicorn rp. I will have them post here as the specialist of unicorn arepee.
  6. Teach me your ways, senpai, <3.
  7. Platypus RP I'm done๎’
  8. Nope, sorry but Papi beats you in rp.
  9. Lol rp lvls :p :p :p
  10. idk what rp lvls are??
  11. is this real or is it from pokemon games .wait its from pokemon or something I think
  12. Totally a pro!!!! ;).
  13. They never followed back
  14. CornBeef Rp

    ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)
  15. Ooh. I love it. Is it really corny? Well salted?
  16. Only salty wen mixed with coconut cream RP
  17. Lvl 0 arpee'r my specialties include Minecraft arpee, Skyrim arpee, and Dota arpee