Rose cheated

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by sherlockmysterydetective, Jun 23, 2019.

  1. You don’t need girlfriends you need new cases
  2. Maybe if you go outside once in awhile you wouldn't need an online relationship idjit
  3. Outside is scary it’s full of those idjits you speak of
  4. Salty people ??
  5. damn, you really think we’re all salty and rude here :cry:
  6. Of course not, I call everyone salty ? it’s my way of life
  7. Write more stories and solve cases. Forget bout Rose
  8. i see 
  9. She got in the way of ur work she had to be purged one way or another
  10. Get a Dog Sherlock  thank me later
  11. They can lick peanut butter out of hard to reach places.
  12. When i got cheated on, i told her i cheated too to hurt her pride

  13. ☹️
  14. What places u thinking of ?
  15.  you shouldnt have hurt her pride, making her regret losing a good guy is better
  16. She realized it soon after anyway
  17. Thats classified information ma’am.