Roobix Cube Party

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Jan 16, 2018.

  1. i like the red one
  2. Nope, still not fixed for parties started after you said that.
  3. admin... are we only getting one lite box a day during this hunt or was there a glich for me? i did one party and got a lite box then the lite box hunt was gone. was only able to do it once
  4. What're the tweaks
  5. y'all need to xanax and chill
  6. Omy
  7. *F2 U R' L B2 U' R L' F2*
  8. Please do not hijack my Arpee session
  9. I'll stick with my newb ava. It looks better and has more detail. For a game that's 17+ I expected more than badoh drawn morning cartoon characters for avas.
  10. I like the green one.
  11. Please do not say that a damn newb avi is better than something of this Caliber. Stats beat looks tbh
  12. I'm talking about looks not stats.
  13. Don’t be shallow
  14. Looks don't mean nothing when stats come into play. But you wouldn't know since you like to RP and would probably use it to get mcs items.
  15. How many drops for avis on the 1k hunts?
  16. Not sure when the avatars are given, but it ends at 6k for easy Main Story. And 28k for the harder ones.
  17. Yellow one is a QT ?
  18. Red one looks like Ban tbh