Discussion in 'Strategy' started by 697panda, Nov 6, 2012.

  1. Fhdvhdf get outta here, nobody likes you
  2. Shut it, fhdv you smell like 
  3. Well you're a pickle face
  4. And you're a doodoo brain
  5. you're so hurtful
  6. baby gonna cry?
  7. I'm gonna get you silenced for bullying
  8. I'm gonna get you silenced for being ugly
  9. Well you should look in a mirror sometime jerk
  10. My life is a mirror
  11. That doesn't make sense
  12. Dude shut the f up and get off of my thread yes I'm old enough to vote ok and honestly I don't give a rats a** whether y'all believe what I said I know in my heart I'm not racist and I don't judge people on any terms but when people piss me off hell yeh you gonna see my true colors and I've seen y'alls and just by the fact that you call me racist and judgemental makes you both as well so you know what kiss my *** I don't care about what y'all think anymore you've pushed me off the kind cliff and now I'm pissed!
  13. You don't make sense 
  14. Good comeback fhdvhf you dummy
  15. I hate you fhdvhdf
  16. I hate you fhdv
  17. You're making a scene! People will laugh at us