Romantic Signals

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Jean, Feb 2, 2017.

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  1. Want to get new avas so bad TT^TT But i get no boxes after parties 
  3. How does the color name thing works? Seriously i dont see anything. 
  4. 39 ecs for care pack? Just not okay.
  5. Y'all should read the forum. It does not say anywhere that it will change the color of your name. It says you will see a "special effect" when you post in campus(a colored heart next to your name)

    Also, please explain how we send the new furniture items we received from boxes. Thanks!
  6. You send them just like any other item. Buy them in your dorm or get them from boxes, then send gift as you normally would. They appear first in the gift menu.
  7. I love the items
  8. Hmm... They are not showing up in my gifts.
  9. so like...can i use a new av without displaying my relationship status like a dating site or is that not an option :?
  10. If someone had done that for me I would have first eaten the fries then marry her :(
  11. You sir, get a crate for your dedication <3
  12. First person to spell out ATA Bruce with anything appropriate and post the pic here gets a PIMDCrate.

  13. Added to your Showcase.
  14. Ily ;(
  15. deng my internet too slow to upload b4 warren :cry:
  16. Very beutifull avis  
  17. [​IMG]

    ? only if Luigi was part of Ata
     MrsSmash_De_Saison 
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