
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_A_-Pickle, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. Dang Nita always beating people up. She one time beat me up because, I couldn't give her a DV! Unbelievable right? Time to put up the " Say NO to Noodles " Campaign.
  2. I wouldn't mr kiko ?
    Damon  I never had money to volley with 
  3. Noooooooooo, I finally get my own thread ? don't let it die ?
    I just noticed a typo in my last comment ? that should say you not I
  4. Haha tweak i got a window and a straw mattress
  5. Damon you give Nita her Dv's 
  6. Josh got a pillow too ?
    Honey  he gives me more than that 
  7. Momma Nita, how do I begin to explain my momma nita?

    Momma Nita is flawless. 

    I heard her hair is insured for $100000000000000000.

    Somone said she does car commercials.
    In Japan. 

    One time, she built a dungeon and everybody wanted to go. 

    Somone said she tortures for fun.
    Now everyone is fallin in line for her. 

    She said she likes vegemite.
    So I like vegemite now. 

    She bullies and starves her tuts.
    It is awesome. 
  8. Casey  I'm sure I fed you all last week ? don't forget the milo
  9. And sausage sangas 
  10. with vegemite.
    How can I forget? 
  11.  and tim tams
  12. He got a pillow and a window nita was cruel to me
  13. But I spoiled you ? I got you the sega 
  14. Should I start commenting? :eek:
  15.  yes! Spanking
  16. I forgot the symbol thingy again  let me re-do
     Yes! Spanking and I go way back  remember the time you made a thread for me ? that was awesome!
  17. It feels like this thread was created yesterday.
    Time flies, doesn't it?
  18. Indeed it does  good times.
    Anyway, I've had my 15 minutes. Thank you to spanking and everyone else for making this possible 