RIP Warriors Helpers / Isaacs Forum Access

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -reset-, Oct 11, 2011.

  1. Ok, then give me some to be on the safe side. 
  2. Actually no stats are the new fad.

    So you man up or slow down on the haterade bro. 

  3. Na. I think we'll carry on as we are.

    Taking names and collecting taxes
  4. So you admit to being a sheep, PBM? I guess that's good, I think there are some tiring of the donkey show, may haps we could add a  show?
  5. PBM should no longer talk, I liked him better when I didn't know him...
  6. Ok michelle. Use it quick it's starting to smell 
  7. *quickly applies*

  8. Ah no. As the CEO of the Haterade corp. I must drink Haterade TM C otherwise I wouldn't be in the business, no?
  9. Niki owns haterade
  10. PBM talks about whining yet he came to forums when he was getting farmed and whined his donkey loving ass off.
  11. Who complains about getting farmed on forums? What a pansy.
  12. Youwillhateme, you've summed it up