LIMITED-TIME CONTENT Ringmaster Shard Box 🎪

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Virgo, Oct 20, 2021.

  1. Seeing the comments of moderators, sometimes I wonder if they REALLY DO like the Avis or if they're PRETENDING to like it 😂
  2. Circus in my Dorm?¿[​IMG]
  3. I feel like they could've really made some awesome Halloween avis and made bank but they release this? Eh.... 🙄
    Valinithe and broski like this.
  4. Even if not Halloween themed, these are so odd timed theme wise and timing because Black Friday. It’s Harry Potter Christmas hunt all over again 🌚
    Valinithe, Woes and Alicia like this.
  5. Phew!! Bentos are safe this time :))))
    Monsters_Little_Pet likes this.
  6. Sad. These are just... ick. Kudos to the artists for detailing the animals, but otherwise? Not my cup of tea.

    Some haunt-type or even circus gone wrong would’ve been nice. I really want some gnarly zombie or ghost avatars. 🧟
  7. These avis are so bad. I- I always buy shards Avis not these 🥺😔 smh ATA
    Puma, Rainbow and Quantum like this.
  8. 😕👎
    Could it BE anymore disappointing?

    Passing on these, I was really hoping for spooky avis, but oh well...
    Puma likes this.
  9. Hell nah
    Puma likes this.
  10. I think I like this art style. I like the details on the first tiers and the animals. Unfortunately, I feel the theme is kinda random and I’m not a fan of it so I’ll be saving this time around lol
  11. One more thing, sorry for the mean-ish comments from everyone, including me.

    It sucks to have your work sh*t on.

    But I’m an artist as well and I KNOW you guys know what an attractive face looks like.

    That is essentially all that matters. The avatars can’t be average looking, or even slightly above, they have to be HOT. That’s just how it is.

    Sharp chin, heart face, slim nose. Post surgery/fame Ariana Grande looking face. With the body of a kpop star or insta baddie🤷🏻‍♀️
    I think that’s generally what people want.

    The whip female avi kinda look like a man, not that there’s anything wrong with it. But most people probably prefer a cookie cutter barbie face.

    And I understand that it’s hard to come out with new ideas without feeling like a recycler, but art is theoretically infinite.

    Tbh the only reason why I’m still playing is coz I have yet to get a hot Asian girl avi. The ones from the Moon Fest didn’t even look very Asian 😶
  12. ATA defo running out of ideas 😭
  13. Where are the cute Halloween shard avis? 😭😭😭😭 No one wants ugly circus ones this time of year
    Puma likes this.
  14. Trash.
    Puma likes this.
  15. Man Ata falling off with this greed stuff they got going on no good characters unless you pay freemium at its finest lol🤣
  16. I actually think they aren't bad, but more Halloween avis would have been preferable.
  17. Good to know Ata supports animal cruelty. There is no such thing as a cruelty free circus with animals. This was a bad take. A very bad take. I mean for christ sake the tiger lady is holding a whip and you need whip shards to get her. Do you support beating animals with a whip to make them perform tricks? I'm so disappointed. This is so wrong on so many levels. Where are our Halloween shard boxes? No one asked for animal cruelty this Halloween.
    Reee and MoonlightSerenity like this.
  18. The tigers are great but the Avis…come on..🙄