Riddle Me This

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RinaBoBina, Sep 23, 2014.

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  1. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    The answer is infinite
  2. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

     that one I didn't, cause smit sent it to me n I've seen it before.
  3. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    I win. 

    Spam me your thongs. 
  4. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    ? nope I didn't get my gift so you get none now
  5. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    That's unfair. ,-,

    Lemme collect your thongs.
  6. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

     how many you think I have Justin geez?

    2 brothers are born on the same date of same month, same time, but yet are not twins. How is this possible?
  7. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    Same dad different moms giving birth at same time
  8. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    Or born on different years
  9. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    Second was right 
  10. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    There are twenty coins sitting on the table, ten are currently heads and tens are currently tails. You are sitting at the table with a blindfold and gloves on. You are able to feel where the coins are, but are unable to see or feel if they heads or tails. You must create two sets of coins. Each set must have the same number of heads and tails as the other group. You can only move or flip the coins, you are unable to determine their current state. How do you create two even groups of coins with the same number of heads and tails in each group?
  11. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

  12. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    Idk :eek: split them into two groups and hope the 50/50 odds are on your side :lol:
  13. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    •Make 2 sets of ten coins.
    •Flip the coins in one of the sets over, and leave the coins in the other set alone.
    •The first set of coins will have the same number of heads and tails as the other set of coins.
  14. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

  15. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

     sure ya not googling help
  16. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    How do you even come up with this crap? :(
  17. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    I don't  not all of it. Last ones I've googled. Gotta think of more now
  18. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    These riddles made me lose a percentage of .00001% crush on you. :cry:
  19. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

  20. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    Same ten things that are warm
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