Riddle Me This

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RinaBoBina, Sep 23, 2014.

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  1. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    I will send mine after 
  2. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    My sex slave
  3. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    Alfred 3 red, alice 2 green, arthour blue 4, anne 1 yellow
  4. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    1. Of the candidate who received 8,500 votes and Fred Francis, one is the lawyer and the other is from Mountain Mesa.
    2. The rancher finished 1,000 votes ahead of Ed Ewing.
    3. The Unionville native finished 500 votes ahead of Fred Francis.
    4. The four candidates were Gilda Gray, the Evansdale native, the candidate who received 10,000 votes and the person who received 8,500 votes.
    5. The Evansdale native finished an unknown number of votes ahead of the academic.
  5. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    that was a pain..
  6. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    Im confused..
  7. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    Me too 
  8. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    Three men in a cafe order a meal the total cost of which is $15. They each contribute $5. The waiter takes the money to the chef who recognizes the three as friends and asks the waiter to return $5 to the men.

    The waiter is not only poor at mathematics but dishonest and instead of going to the trouble of splitting the $5 between the three he simply gives them $1 each and pockets the remaining $2 for himself.

    Now, each of the men effectively paid $4, the total paid is therefore $12. Add the $2 in the waiters pocket and this comes to $14.....where has the other $1 gone from the original $15?

    Sorry my Internet is cutting out. Here is a puzzle to do while I find a new one ?
  9. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    They pay 4 each. And the waiter takes 2. As the chef gave $5 discount they only pay $10. Not $15.
  10. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    This one is easy ?
  11. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    My answer was that there is no missing dollar  because $3 $2 = $5. Then the $10 the chef keeps = $15 
  12. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    The original pay was 15, 5 was returned. 1 To each men which equals three and two to the waiter. Equals 5. There isnt a missing dollar. They just make you think differently by switching subtraction and addition
  13. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    More riddles please. I've got 2 more hours of detention. Entertain meh. :(
  14. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    Justin previous page is a logic puzzle  do that. The one at the bottom. It's easy
  15. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    why did the chicken cross the road
  16. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    To run from me as I wanted chicken nuggets
  17. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    Blue jacket $5.00
    Green umbrella $11.50
    Red trousers $9.00

    I therefore conclude that Benny is cheap af.
  18. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    Justin ya prices are wrong :roll:

    Sorry was casually stuffing my face with food 
  19. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    There are three boxes. One is labeled "APPLES" another is labeled "ORANGES". The last one is labeled "APPLES AND ORANGES". You know that each is labeled incorrectly. You may ask me to pick one fruit from one box which you choose.

    How can you label the boxes correctly?

  20. Re: -sorry-but-I-just_made-this-game-for-you

    All I read was I was stuffing your face with food
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