Riddle Me This

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RinaBoBina, Sep 23, 2014.

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  1. Letter, name, numbers?
  2.  no no no. Geez.
  3.  no it isn't an organisation but close
  4. Society
    USA (Merica lol)
  5. Mawr clues 
  6. USA ? like all the states are joined together which form the USA. They unite to be like a country. Geddit?

    you feel me but can't see me. I can touch you but you can't touch me back. I can sweep the floor without a broom, and blow leaves without a leaf blower.
  7. Wind or Breeze

    And lol I got it Rina  this is fun
  8. I have veins but I do not bleed, I am alive but I do not breathe. I come in many shapes and sizes, and fall when the time arises.
  9. Leaves
    Or Trees
  10. a girls supposed best friend
  11. I said supposed, if I said real, chocolate would be right 

    I hold many secrets I never tell, I listen to you extremely well. I'm constantly stained with anger, sadness or regret, but I hold things so you'll never forget.
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